Vision148 at Autosport
Vision148 attended Autosport International at the NEC this month as guests of our scanning partners T3DMC. Whilst we were there only for the two trade
RS500 Piranha Wall
We are always looking at ways to combine our partners with new opportunities and the Piranha Wall is one such idea that we hope you
#148 Finding a Tailor
MCT Engineering: A Leader in Composite Innovation and Manufacturing Founded in 1997, MCT Engineering has grown into a premier name in composite manufacturing from
#148 having a breakdown!
12th October #148 started its breakdown at recycle partners ASM in Thame. This initial breakdown is to get prepared for a second scan to take
#148 Gets its first scan!
Big day for #148 18th September 2024 gets its first 3D scan. This is a key process to digitise the car so that we can
#148 Leave’s it’s secret hideaway
On the 9th of September our dismantling partners picked up #148 from its secret hideaway to deliver it to its new temporary home in Thame
#148 1st Date with the public
#148 was delivered to the Bowl in Bedford to meet Cosworth enthusiasts as part of the cars first outing for may years and it was

Embracing the Digital World
Additive manufacturing is a kind of 3D printing evolved from desktop 3D printers into the go-to technology for advanced manufacturing and used extensively in motorsport

Sustainability, Recycling and the Circular Economy
A super important element to the Vision148 project will be sustainability, recycling and the circular economy not only for the build of the car but

Showcasing Education
At the heart of Vision148 is collaborating with super talented people and businesses who are part of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the exciting opportunities

So Why Reimagine the RS500?
So why reimagine the RS500, it is a pretty cool car already? Well, we just wanted to see it differently and through the eyes of

Welcome to Vision148 – An Audacious Moon shot
This is a tale about a car, people and technology and an audacious moon shot idea. It’s about determination to follow a passion that has

Sierra RS500 Specs
Produced : 1987Engine cc : 1993Engine bhp : 224Top Speed : 154mph0-60mph : 6.2 Group A racing regulations of that time allowed manufacturers to build

Weapons-Grade: A trip down memory lane with the Sierra Cosworth RS500
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